Assistant Sports Coach Volunteer

Argyll and Bute, Bute, Cowal, Helensburgh and Lomond, Islay and Jura, Mid Argyll, Mull and Iona, North Kintyre (Tarbert), Oban and Lorn, South Kintyre (Campbeltown), Tiree
Posted 6 years ago

Do you love sport?  Would you like the opportunity to share your sporting skills, ability and experience supporting children and young people to participate regularly in sport?  Think of the benefits that 30 mins of your time a week will bring to them, please apply now!

About Active Schools & Sports Development

The Active Schools programme, in partnership with sportscotland is an initiative with the aim of increasing the number of children and young people participating in school and community sport and activity. The LiveArgyll Active Schools team builds capacity through the recruitment, retention and development of a network of fantastic volunteers to deliver sport in schools and the wider community. It is recognised that increasing participation opportunities for children is critical to a lifetime’s involvement in activity helping them lead enriched and more active lives.

LiveArgyll also employs a team of sports Development staff, including a Football Development Officer and a Senior Sports Coach. As well as the LiveArgyll staff, we also work in partnership to deploy Development Officers for Shinty and Rugby. The aim of the sports development is to increase participation in sport, and promote active lifestyles.

We require Sports Coaches to be a minimum of 16 years old.

Your time commitment will be:

  • delivering our weekly 30 minutes to 1 hour sessions (session times and days will vary in each LiveArgyll facility or School)

Your involvement will be:

  • Volunteer sports coaches will lead the delivery of the weekly sport sessions

Your opportunity is:

  • gaining full training for the volunteer role of Sports Coach Volunteer
  • being part of a team and receiving on-going support from the LiveArgyll Active Schools and Sport staff
  • supporting children’s learning in a fun way and develop a love of sport
  • enhancing your CV by gaining valuable experience supporting children and young people
  • helping our children get the best start in life

Your training will include:

  • a full induction and on-going support
  • 1st Aid training, child protection training and support in achieving a nationally recognised Award or Qualification in your sporting discipline where appropriate
  • additional training on the specific tasks and responsibilities that you are undertaking supporting the delivery of weekly sessions

The skills we are looking for:

  • open, warm, friendly and enthusiastic
  • good communication skills
  • ability to interact effectively with children, parents and carers

commitment to the role, excellent timekeeping

  • being reliable and responsible

Who should you contact?

If you are interested in the role, or would just like a little bit more information please contact

Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Home Address*
Contact Address (if different)
You are at present:
Please summarise any experience that you consider to be relevant to the volunteering opportunity (either paid, voluntary or other), starting with the most recent.
Please give details of your education, qualifications and training relevant to the application.
Please give details of any skills you feel may be relevant to your application:
Please give details of any languages you speak besides English:


References help to confirm the identity of our volunteers and to build up a better understanding of them. Please provide one reference, this must not be a family member. (We will be contacting your reference before we arrange to meet you).
Reference Name*
Reference Address*
Agree by inserting your name:

Help with your application

If you would like help with your application, or have any questions please contact

LiveArgyll needs to collect personal information about you in order to process your application form - It will also form the basis of a confidential personal record in electronic format.

The data will be retained for administrative and statistical reporting purposes.

Following completion of your voluntary role it will be held for one year and will then be destroyed under secure conditions.

View our Privacy Statement here here

Please tick

Job Features

Job CategoryLeisure and Sport